Advanced ENT and Facial Plastic Surgery

Surgical vs. Laser Skin Tightening

Nov 6, 2012 @ 09:57 AM — by Dr. William Cohen
Tagged with: Laser Treatments Plastic Surgery

Most people are upset when they begin to notice wrinkles, loose skin, or other signs of aging on the face and body. If you have tried anti-aging skin care products that can be purchased over-the-counter, you may want to consider more effective options. While some men and women are willing to consider surgical procedures to get the lasting results they desire, others would prefer less invasive treatment options. Dr. William C. Cohen, a leading Orange County plastic surgeon, offers laser skin tightening as well as traditional surgical procedure to tighten skin and contour the body. Learning more about these options will help you decide what the best choice is for you.

Surgical Procedures

There are many surgical procedures that tighten skin, treat wrinkles, and contour the body. Dr. Cohen offers facial plastic surgery such as facelift, brow lift and eyelid surgery to give the face a more refreshed and youthful glow. The body can also be sculpted through surgeries such as tummy tuck, liposuction, thigh lift, arm lift, and cosmetic breast surgery. Surgical procedures provide patients with the benefit of long lasting results. Dr. Cohen can also personalize each surgery to meet your specifications. The results of plastic surgery are very precise. The downside of surgical procedures is the risk that is involved with any surgery and the resulting scars. Surgical procedures also require a longer recovery time. Recovery time will vary by treatment, but most patients can expect to take at least a week off to recover from plastic surgery.

Laser Skin Tightening

Dr. Cohen offers his patients in Orange County laser skin treatment as an alternative for those who have reservations about surgical procedures. As with surgery, Dr. Cohen can tighten skin, treat wrinkles, or contour the body with these laser treatments. Some of the laser treatments available include:

Dr. Cohen can discuss any of these treatments with you in further detail to help you decide if you can achieve your desired appearance with laser skin tightening. All of these procedures offer patients the benefit of avoiding surgical treatment, along with the unwanted side effects that are associated with surgery. This significantly decreases recovery time for the patient.

Schedule an Appointment

If you are interested in learning more about surgical and laser skin tightening treatments, or have questions about some of the other procedures that Dr. William C. Cohen performs, schedule an appointment today. Dr. Cohen and our friendly staff look forward to meeting you.